Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hopping on a Prayer

I can't say I have matured as an Illustrator just yet but I can say that the many prayers regarding my direction were starting to be answered.  Never in my wildest dream did I believe I could sell my drawings or my art for that matter even though my Father told me this very fact a million and one times since childhood.  With the now tag team reminders from my Wife and Mother included I think the good Lord's voice is finally being heard.  Is it an easy trek?  By no means, but every time I take a step one foot in front of the other, the more the Lord illuminates the path a bit further.

As a kid I always depicted animals in some fashion typically with tiny armor wearing figures riding them or really mangy with their eyes bugging out.  Never in color, so this needed to change.  My Kangaroo was more of a doodle than anything.  A cast aside Adobe Illustrator outline created from a sketch that was meant for a logo design became the next color character on the glass canvas.  Well done?  Not in my eyes so I walk on.  This was drawn using some actual reference images of Kangaroos which is a first for me as most of my earlier sketches and drawings were via my imagination.  Perhaps I can share some of my earlier sketches in my next few posts so you can see how it all began way back when.  Ever evolving, I press on.

Thanks for stopping in and talk to you soon.